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When you join NGANH/NGAUS you add your voice to thousands of others who understand the role of the National Guard in the nation’s security and want to enhance its capabilities to perform that vital mission at home and overseas.


With your participation, NGAUS is better able to make the case in Congress for a strong, well-equipped and well-trained National Guard in more than 3,000 communities around the country. Joining NGAUS means ensuring America’s defense.


NGANH President Steven Greco with Senator Maggie Hassan.

Welcome to the National Guard Association of New Hampshire (NGANH)


I hope you're enjoying the newest version of our website.  We’ve been working to make it user friendly for our members with additional links to the NGAUS website. We're also expanding our horizons with social media feeds and a more interactive and vibrant look.
There are many professional organizations and associations you should consider joining. Our association is one of fifty-four states and territories which make up the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS).  Collectively we provide direct support to war fighters and their families by engaging congress with substantive dialogue about readiness, equipment, manning, missions, and relevancy.  Your support is critical to having a voice at both the state and national levels.


What has NGAUS and NGANH done for me lately? Why should I join?


This is a familiar question when I talk to New Hampshire National Guard personnel. The first step is to visit the NGAUS website and look at a plethora of issues being worked on your behalf.  The profession of arms is one of the most respected in our country so please be a member of a National Military Association (NMA).  These associations are sanctioned by law and meet the strict regulations that govern our ability to support you.  NGAUS is one of those NMAs and our goal is to insure you’re ready to fight the next war and protect our homeland.


In closing, let me say the state of your Association has never been better.


We have a diverse cross section of members on our NGANH Board of Directors.  Our committee structure insures we’re engaged and ready to help those serving, about to serve, or already have served.  We also have a robust Corporate Partnership Program funding our efforts to improve the lives of our Guardsman and their families.
I look forward to meeting many of you this year as I visit units and look for ways to better serve the New Hampshire National Guard.  Thank you for your service and be safe out there.

Col Steven F. Greco (ret)
President - NGANH
Area 1 Air Representative
NGAUS Board of Directors

Why Join NGANH?

The NGANH is a state association that reports to and works in conjunction with the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS). Membership is the lifeblood of our association, both at the state and national levels. Your continued support enables both the NGANH and NGAUS to have a crucial voice on Capitol Hill, supporting our Soldiers and Airmen as they perform their state and federal missions.


Our Guard members and their families must receive the best possible equipment, training, facilities, and benefits. This national obligation is especially challenging with looming cuts to the defense budget. We continue to remind Congress of the important role the National Guard plays as the most cost effective alternative. We were founded as a militia nation and now it is time for us to return.

To join click on the button below which forwards you to the membership page on the NGAUS web site.

Support NGANH with your Donation

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