Membership is about more than paying dues. You become united in voice and action when you make a commitment to support NGANH/NGAUS and its mission.
Historically, nearly all eligible Guard officers have belonged to NGAUS. During your first year in the Guard, membership is free.
Membership Trips to Washington, D.C.
Scholarships for NGANH members and family members
Opportunities to participate in the NGANH and NGAUS Annual Conferences
...and much more!
State Sponsored Life Insurance
The State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) program is available by payroll deduction from National Guard pay (Title 37, United States Code, Section 707), and is offered to all enlisted and officer members of the New Hampshire National Guard. Learn more...
TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement Insurance
This health care program offered by USBA provides National Guard soldiers and airmen a new option for insuring themselves and their families. Learn more...
NGAUS Publications
All members receive the monthly NATIONAL GUARD magazine and have the opportunity to sign up for two different weekly electronic newsletters: NGAUS E-Notes and LEGIT. More details...
National Guard Association of New Hampshire
Actively work new missions and equipment upgrades such as KC-46A and HIMARS through resolutions process at NGAUS and coordination with CODELs
Two Annual 2023 NGANH Scholarships up to $2500 a piece
Representation on the NGAUS Board of Directors as Area 1 Air Representative
Coordinates all aspects of NGAUS Capital Summit Visits to Washington DC for Air and Army CGOs
Voting member and attends State Veterans Advisory Committee (SVAC)
Called to give legislative briefings to NH State House on Veteran Affairs committee
Visits to Washington to DC to meet with Congressional Delegation (CODEL)
Hosts membership gatherings at Heritage Room, Missions End, and various venues
Highly active NGANH BOD with wide cross section of both active and retired NHNG members across all rank structures and both services
Robust Corporate Partner Program to sustain both legislative and philanthropic endeavors throughout the fiscal year
Hosts combined annual NGANH and New Hampshire National Guard Enlisted Association (NHNGEA) annual spring conference
Secures NGANH Delegate Suite and coordinates CGOs in paid status to annual NGAUS Convention
Attend annual National Guard Executive Director Association (NGEDA) annual meeting
Attend annual Militia Trust State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) meeting
Supported the 3643rd Brigade Support Battalion Southwest Border pre-deployment luncheon
Supported CO/1SG Strength Maintenance Workshop
Hosted KC-46A Final Site Action Task Force (SATAF) social at Gas Light restaurant
Sponsored NHNG table for annual Business NH Magazine “2022 New Hampshire Best Companies to Work For” breakfast and ceremony
Coordinated with NH Military Assistance Foundation to supply breakfast and lunch for NHESGR Boss Lift to Ft Drum on NHANG KC-46 for 197th Field Artillery Brigade HIMARS demonstration
Worked with Col Oberman to support 2022 Wellness Appreciation Day event
Hosted lunch for the Cabo Verde Minister of Defense and Director of the Minister’s Cabinet